Įverything that gets on the Internet stays on the Internet forever! You are only free to add something new here, but you will never be able to remove anything. I don’t know why they suddenly needed another script. And it was the right step, because in order to compete with Google, it was necessary to attract a new audience. Why isn't the official Bing translator bookmarklet working? Microsoft was one of the first companies to publish an official bookmarklet for their translator. Everything is very simple! No more difficult than regular bookmarks! And this means that you can bookmark this script and run it when you need to translate some page. We have already talked about what bookmakrlets are: these are scripts that run on click. Once again about bookmarklets for quick translation of an open page And this is an occasion to talk again about booklets for translation. Why did they take such a difficult path? After all, there were options much simpler and more reliable. Microsoft used a different (now unavailable) script, without which the bookmarklet just won't run. Microsoft's official Bing translator bookmarklet is no longer available. Now almost anyone can find out everything about you: where you live, with whom you communicate, what you are interested in and where you go. Once upon a time, you could completely close the page from outsiders and communicate only with those who are really interesting to you. The VKontakte website has never been famous for its special privacy. So you have to work hard if you really want to achieve any privacy! And we'll probably start with social network In contact with. For example, social networks, instead of protecting your privacy from outsiders, on the contrary, put it on display, even if you never asked them about it! In most cases, the default settings, on the contrary, are as hostile as possible to the user. But, unfortunately, this is not always the case. Standard privacy settings should be as friendly as possible to the average user. We will add functionality available by clicking.
Almost all extensions work even when you don't need them, which means they consume PC resources all the time. In IE and Nitro, for example, they do not exist at all. And immediately a question: "Why no extensions?".
Today we are talking about how to expand the functionality of the browser without resorting to installing extensions. So let's go! Get ready, it's going to be long. For example, we will need all this when we start the second step of creating our own extension for Maxthon. And how to live with a browser that does not have extensions? In general, there are many reasons to write about it. In fact, I already wrote about all this, but on a highly specialized Maxthon forum, and about even more narrowly famous browser Nitro. But many people ask, so I'll have to paint everything again.

Important: What is written here may seem primitive to some. But VKontakte quickly turned from a highly specialized site into the main. Initially, the only way to connect with the right user was "friendship".

Innovations are almost always perceived with hostility, but over time everyone gets used to them. Those who yesterday had no idea how the network works, today surf like a real user. The Internet is changing quite quickly, its audience is changing even faster. How to remove "extra" VKontakte friends and not make them hate you? So what to do? How to remove strangers from your friends list without offending anyone? But just removing them will not work! After all, then they will become subscribers, and forcibly signing a person for themselves is somehow ugly. Many of them you do not even know, many of them have not appeared on the network for a long time. But times have changed, and now all these people are hanging on the list of friends like a dead weight. There was a time when everyone was added to VKontakte friends indiscriminately.
Maxthon's MX5 review: A brazen browser gives you what you usually pay for for free PCWorld: Review of the MX5 browser in light of the Maxthon user data collection scandal.